Formats and Styles, Find/Replace

Content Management
Using your Website's Formats:
Your website will have certain formats customized to your site. So creating content to match the rest of your site is quick and easy using the  selector. 

Click on the drop down arrow  to see the formats available. 

The default format is Normal, this is the normal font, font size, and color of the text used throughout your site.
Headings 1-6 are your Headers used throughout the site, they very depending on the the CSS (Cascading Style Sheet).

Using Styles:
For quick style changes in your text, select a set style from the  selector. 

Different Font Formats:
Although you won't be able to change the CSS file yourself, if you wish to change the way your text looks, you are able to do so on a per page basis.
Using the WYSIWYG editor you are 
able to:
Change your font to BOLD, Italicized, or Strikethrough, or any combination of the three.

Easily createsubscripts andsuperscripts

Change the alignment of your text,  create bullet lists, numbered lists, and change the indents. 

Change the Text Color and the Background Color 

Formatting the Content Document
Use the corresponding icons to do the following:
To clear everything and start with a Blank Document
To Preview the content area 

To clear everything and start with a template 

To add a page break for printing purposes

Find and Replace
To search through a page's content and find a specific phase/word click on the  icon. 

  • Find what: in this field you place the phrase/word you want to find.
  • Match case: if you check this option the program will find only the text with the exact cases like e.g. aLberT
  • Match whole word: if you check this option the program will only look for a whole word. It won't look for a phrase.
After deciding what options you want to use just press "Find" and the program will highlight the phrase/word it found. If you press "Find" again the program will find the next phrase/word matching to your request.

To Replace a phrase/word in the content, click on the  icon. 

  • Find what: in this field you place the phrase/word you want to find
  • Replace with: in this field you place the phrase/word you want to replace your text with.
  • Match case: if you check this option the program will find only the text with the exact cases like e.g. aLberT
  • Match whole word: if you check this option the program will only look for a whole word. It won't look for a phrase.
If you want to replace only one phrase/word press "Replace". The program will firstly find your text and highlight it. Than you should press the "Replace" button again in order to go on with the replacement.

If you want to replace all the phrases/words press "Replace All".

Remove Formatting

To remove any formatting on the text, highlight the text you'd like to remove the formatting from, and click . This will remove the bold, italics, strikethrough and any Styles selected. Some of the formatting may be on the entire paragraph as well, like indentations, in that case you will have to select the entire paragraph to remove the formatting. 

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