Inserting a Table

Content Management
Inserting a Table
A table can keep your information organized and separated evenly. Some of the formatting may be overridden by the CSS (Cascading Style Sheet, which determines the styles and formats for your entire site). To change the CSS, you will have to contact us. 

Select where you would like your table and click on the  icon to get started.

  1. Enter the amount of rows/columns. 

  2. If you have a header row, or header column, or both, specify with the drop down:
    This is what the headers will look like:

  4. Specify the alignment for the table as a whole, for each individual cell, the alignment will have to be specified after the table is created using the icons

  5. Specify the border thickness, for no border enter "0".

  6. Specify the width of the table, by pixels or percent. The percent will be the percent of the content area, this way it will change if the screen size changes. (like mobile sites)

  7. You can leave the Height blank to allow different lengths of content.

  8. Cell Spacing: enter a number to specify the amount of space between the cells.

  9. Cell Padding: enter a number to specify the amount of space within a cell.
  10. Enter the Caption, which will be placed above your table, you will be able to edit it after you create the table. 

Edit a Table
To edit the format of an existing table, it may be easier to just delete the entire table and start over.
If you really want to edit it to keep the existing content, here are some small tips on how to change some of the table formats in HTML code:
Go into the HTML code by clicking the  icon. If you don't know much about HTML coding, then the things you'll want to change will be the numbers/text within the quotation marks or the text between HTML tags <> </>, or the things in BOLD below: 
<table width="100%" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" summary="Summary">
            <th scope="col">Your Content Here:this section is for your header</th>
            <th scope="col">Your Content Here:this section is for the next column header</th>
            <th scope="row">Your Content Here</th>
            <td>Your Content Here</td>
            <th scope="row">Your Content Here</th>
            <td>Your Content Here</td>
This is for a 3 rows 2 columns table with a header row and a header column. If you're missing an option, and would like to add it, you must add the entire section, if it's an attribute, then add the entire attribute, for example don't just type in "center" for the alignment, type in the entire section "align="center"" (with the quotation marks around center). If you don't need the option, you don't have to add it. 

If you need a new row, you'll have to add the entire section between the <tr> and </tr> tags. Like this: 
            <th scope="row">Between <th> tags will be a header for your row</th>
            <td>Your Content Here</td>
    <td>Between <td> tags, will be the number of columns in your row</td>

If you don't have the same number of columns under each row, you'll end up having blank areas in your table. It will end up looking like this:
You can always Save As Draft to test it out, or Reset or navigate away form the edit content page, if something goes wrong!

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