About the Resource Library

C4 Modules > C4 Resource Library
What it does:
The resource library is an internal file system that stores all of your files used in your website, things like image files (.jpg, .png, .gif, etc.) and document files (.docx, .xlsx, .pdf, etc.). All files used in your sites are located here. Files uploaded 
in other modules will automatically be found here. They can then be used anywhere in your site, using the file's path /_upload/... 

Some files are named specifically, and if the image needs to be changed/updated, you will have to upload the same size with the same file name.

Some images must be a certain size. Some shifting of content, or skewed imaging will result if the ratio or size is incorrect. 
Click here to find the size of your image, and how to resize your images. 

Here are some quick tutorials to get you working through your Resource Library:

C4 Environment:
The following information is for your reference on how to navigate through your Invitations module in your Creative Content Control Center. Click here for information on C4 and how to access it. 

In C4, click on [Resource Library] on the left-hand side menu to see your Resource Library Module. 

Here are the key components to the Resource Library, read below for more information:

The Current Path for Files
, will display where you are in the folder system and will always be displayed at the top. The default folder is /_upload. This will be the path to where your file is located.  For example, NexusLaserTag_easter.jpg, has the path: /_upload/images/specials/NexusLaserTag_easter.jpg

To Upload a File, click on "Choose File" to select a file from your computer then "UPLOAD". "overwrite existing" selected will replace the file if one exists, if deselected, an error will occur if the file name exists. 

To Upload Multiple Files, click on "upload multiple files", you can choose up to 20 files to upload at a time. Once they've been selected click "UPLOAD" to put them in the current directory. "overwrite existing" selected will replace the file if one exists, if deselected, an error will occur if the file name exists.

To Create a New Directory (a new folder)
, navigate to where you want the directory to be, check with the Current Directory at the top. Then type in the Name of the Directory, and click "Create Directory"

To Create a New File, navigate to where you want the file to be, check with the Current Directory at the top. Then type in the Name of the file with it's extension, and click "Create File".  This would only really be used for a .txt file, and all other images/files should just be uploaded using "Upload File". 

Home Directory
, clicking this will take you to the /_upload directory.

Refresh Currenct Directory, clicking this will refresh the data in your directory. 

Import Files for added Attributes, more information coming soon! 

Files Display
, shows the files in the current directory.
  • Click on a folder, or folder name, to go into a directory. Or press  to return to the parent directory. 
  • Click on the file name to open/download the file. 
  • attributes, displays information about the file, click [Edit] to edit this information and Update to save changes. 
  • delete, click to delete this file from your Resource Library, click "OK" to confirm. If you plan to use this file, or this file is used in multiple locations throughout your site, you may want to just disable/remove the path from the particular page or unit. For specific files with set names, like your header images, you shouldn't delete them. 
  • rename, click to rename this file in your Resource Library. "Overwrite existing files" selected will replace the file if one exists, if deselected, an error will occur if the file name exists. 

  • move/copy, click to move or copy a file to a different existing directory. Select move or copy, then select the directory from the drop down list, and click "GO". "Overwrite existing files" selected will replace the file if one exists, if deselected, an error will occur if the file name exists. 

  • For txt files, other options will be available:
  • edit, to edit the text, click save to save any changes.
  • src, to see the source, view the text. 

Show XML, clicking this will show the XML file for your files.

Import Files, clicking this import files. 

Cleanup Files, more information coming soon! 

Cleanup Database, more information coming soon! 

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